KAYAK launches Desktop Escape App for Work-Weary Singaporeans
KAYAK knows that one of the best ways to get through the work day is to day-dream about your...
3 mins read
This Is How You Can Travel Like A Crazy Rich Asian. Are You Atas Enough?
Whether you’re downright crazy rich, just crazy or even a tai tai with plenty of time at hand, there’s...
11 mins read
News announces winners of inaugural KAYAK Travel Awards
To recognise the best brands in the travel industry and spread the word about the travel companies people in...
4 mins read
Cheap Flights from Singapore | Amazing Direct and Return Air Ticket Deals – Discounts up to 40%!
Cheap international flights from Singapore to the best holiday destinations are here! You can save up to 40% when...
5 mins read
How to score cheap flights with KAYAK
10 Hacks Every Confident Traveller Knows For Scoring The Cheapest Flights
Need help finding cheap flight deals? KAYAK has the tools you need to plan and book your travels with...
7 mins read
KAYAK Virtual Vacation
We’ve just launched the world’s first Virtual Holidays experience. Singaporeans can now travel from the comfort of their own homes!
Launching today, the virtual reality headset will enable travellers to experience a fully immersive holiday- sight, sound, taste, smell...
2 mins read